Monday, June 9, 2014

Generation-Z of News Readers

PODCAST: The news 'likes' of young people

Today’s generation, namely the young people, are growing up in a totally different infrastructure as compared to that of several decades ago. The young peoplde of today are exposed to the internet from young and are extremely savvy with the ‘new’ technology – which indeed has brought up the reasons as to why young people nowadays opt not to simply read traditional newspapers or listen to news on the radio. (Susskind, 2013)

 With the improvements made to web coding and the innovation of communication technologies, social media have become a daily necessity for the young people. Companies such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Instagram allow the youngsters to simply glance across their news feeds in order to get updated with the news. With the introduction of RSS or ‘Follow’ feature they are also given the choice as to which news that they choose to subscribe to making ‘news’ of today, no longer what it used to traditionally be (economy, happenings, sports) (Schroer, 2014). What more, the internet has opened up the young generations to the global internet society, making their interests more dispersed as compared to the past where interests would be somewhat similar in terms of career, money and family. (Day, 2005)

Following up on the RSS and ‘Follow’ features of social media, they are able to subscribe to their interests news. Moreover, today followers are not simply informed of new things, they in fact, are able to gain benefits from subscription; getting perks and deeper access to the community. This is different from the more “just to let you know” style of traditional news in the past which had almost no personal interaction with the reader.

As the Human Resource Director of my club, I interviewed new students applying for committee; having asked them a recent happening such as to give their opinion on MH370, I was given responses that they simply did not care about it. Asked why, they said that they could do nothing about it and would rather not think about it; however when asked about their hobbies, they could talk about all the latest news and trend about it. 

This shows the young generations are in fact still reading news, the only difference is that they are reading news that interests them and that is the perks that have been bestowed to them by communication technologies today. (Schroer, 2014)

Schroer J.W. (2014), Generation Y, Echo Boomers or MillenniumsGenerations, “X,Y, Z and the Others”, Social Web. Date accessed: 7th June 2014.
Susskind J. (2013), Internet Winning the Online News vs. Traditional Media War, IVN.US. Web. Date accessed: 7th June 2014.
Day, M. (2005), Online players come of age, Australian. Web. Date accessed: 7th June 2014.

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